
The Attleboro Scholarship Foundation carries on its work by providing Interest Free Loan (application) to worthy high school graduates in the Attleboro community. These loans are based on financial need. Re-payment of the loan will begin after graduation.

To be eligible to apply a student must:
* Be a resident of Attleboro for one year prior to completing the application.
* Be accepted by a school for post-secondary education as a full-time student.
* Apply to all other aid and scholarship programs before being considered.

Interest-Free Loans are awarded in the amount of $1,500.00. Applicants are eligible to re-apply for a maximum of four years, providing they remain scholastically and financially eligible.

In January, high school seniors attending any high school and who reside in Attleboro may obtain an application from either their guidance/scholarship office or from the foundation.

At that time, a CSS Profile Financial Aid Form should be completed online at cssprofile.org using the Foundation Code of 0613 in the section which asks what schools or programs you would like the report sent to. The application and Financial Aid Form are then used as a basis for determining the financial need.

The application deadline is March 25th.

CSS Report is due by April 1st.

The awards committee of the Foundation meets in April to consider all applications. The applications are presented to the committee by number to respect the confidentiality of the applicant.

Applicants are notified of the results by mail in May. Not all applicants will be recipients.

The student and parent will be required to sign a promissory note before any funds are disbursed to the school.